46-50 (Sleeplessness)
46.C They are deeply impressed by Danielle Steel's dailywork schedule.
47.A She could serve as an example of industriousness. @ ja IE48. A They are questionable.
49. C It may symbolise one's importance and success.
50. B The general public should not be encouraged to follow it.
51-55 (Organic farming)
51.B Organic farming may be exploited to solve the globalfood problem.
52. D It is not that productive. fiie
53. C Inequality in food distribution. ca. E,54. B It is not conducive to sustainable development.
55. D Organic farming does long-term good to the ecosystem.
46-50 (Public health)
46. B People disagree as to who should do what.
47.А Governments have a role to play.
48. В They have not come up with anything more constructive.
49. D To justify government intervention in solving theobesity problem .
50. C When individuals have the incentive to act accordingly.
51-55 (The Coral Sea proposal)
51. A It is exceptionally rich in marine life.
52. D Complete the series of marine reserves around itscoast.
53. A The government has not done enough for marineprotection
54 .D It is a tremendous joint effort to protect the rangeof marine habitats
55. C It will protect regions that actually require little protection
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