46-50 (Sleeplessness)
46.C They are deeply impressed by Danielle Steel’s daily work schedule.
47.A She could serve as an example of industriousness.
48. A They are questionable.
49.C It may symbolise one's importance and success.
50.BThe general public should not be encouragedto follow it.
51-55 (Organic farming)
51.B Organic farming may be exploited to solve the global food problem.
52. D It is not that productive.
53. C Inequality in food distribution.
54. B It is not conducive to sustainable development.
55. D (Organic farming does long-term good to the ecosys-tem.
Water Margin, one of the four classic novels in the Chinese literature, is based on the stories of the historical figures of Song Jiang and his partners, who rebelled against the feudal emperor, and has been popular among the Chinese readers for hundreds of years.
It is no exaggeration to say that almost every single Chinese is familiar with some of the major characters in the book as its splendid stories are repeatedly told in tea houses, on the- atrical stages, by radio and television, and on film screens. In fact, its influence has been far beyond the national boundary as more and more foreign readers are touched and intrigued by the stories of the novel.
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