微信上出現(xiàn)一篇標題為《多倫多大學 中國學生態(tài)度》的文章,而文內指控競選學生會會長的Chemi Lhamo拿中國學生繳納的學費去推廣“藏獨”。文末,發(fā)文者呼吁中國學生集體上網(wǎng)請愿廢除Chemi Lhamo的競選資格。 該文迅速在微信上引起廣大回響,得到近10萬次閱覽。
Via Ladder Street
Via change.org
Chinese students at a Canadian university launched an online petition questioning the qualifications of a student running for president of the students" union, who claims to be a "Tibetan refugee in India," following her pro-Tibet independence social media posts.
最近,一所加拿大大學的中國學生發(fā)起了一項在線請愿,呼吁剝奪該校學生Chemi Lhamo競選學生會主席的資格。這個學生被發(fā)現(xiàn)在社交媒體帖子上散播“藏獨”言論,并自稱是“在印度的西藏難民”。
More than 9,000 people have signed the petition against Chemi Lhamo"s qualifications as a presidential candidate for the student union at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) on Tuesday.
周二,超過9,000人簽署了反對Chemi Lhamo參選多倫多大學學生會主席的請愿書。
The petition, "We don"t want such person to be the students" union president" on the website of change.org, a petition website, launched by a Chinese student going by Kennedy L on February 8, said Chemi Lhamo has "too much political involvement" with an outside group, which the petition identified as "Free Tibet."
請愿活動首頁上寫著“我們不希望這樣的人成為學生會主席”,發(fā)表在change.org網(wǎng)站上。這個請愿活動是由一名叫Kennedy L的中國學生于2月8日發(fā)起的。請愿書上稱Chemi Lhamo和一個叫“Free Tibet”的外部組織有太多政治關聯(lián)。
"Her behavior on social media will damage the relations and feelings of international students if she is the president of the students" union," read the petition.
February 5, 6 and 7 are the voting days for STSU president, according to the union"s Facebook page.
"Many members of the local Chinese student community feel disgusted by Chemi Lhamo, and those who voted for her even felt betrayed," a Chinese student who graduated from UTSC in 2018 and requested anonymity, told the Global Times on Tuesday.
一位2018年從多倫多大學畢業(yè)的中國學生告訴《環(huán)球時報》記者,“很多當?shù)氐闹袊鴮W生對Chemi Lhamo的行為感到不齒。那些為她投票的人感覺受到了背叛。”
Lhamo deliberately used Putonghua to sell her miserable stories to deceive Chinese students, she said.
“Chemi Lhamo故意選擇用普通話講述自己的悲慘遭遇,欺騙華人學生的選票。”這位要求匿名的同學說到。
She noted that many Chinese students voted for her without knowing her pro-Tibet independence background.
According to The Varsity, the university"s student paper, on February 5, Chemi Lhamo described herself as a "stateless Tibetan refugee in India" and said that she "has gone through a lot of adversities in life."
在2月5號出版的多倫多大學校報The Varsity上,Chemi Lhamo把自己描述成一個“無家可歸的印度西藏難民”并稱“自己經歷了很多生活的磨難。”
Ladder Street, a Chinese student association of the University of Toronto business school, wrote that the Canadian university "collects more than 700 million yuan in tuition fees from some 12,000 Chinese students, while allowing such Tibetan-separatist organization on campus,"and since part of the money goes directly to the students" union, Ladder Street questioned how the university could do such things to endorse Tibetan-independence and allow Chemi Lhmao to head the Students" Union."
Ladder Street,多大商科學生的社團公眾號發(fā)文說“多大中國留學生一萬兩千左右,貢獻大約7個億學費,但是多大允許“藏獨”社團存在。”因為付給多大的學費中有一部分直接付給學生會,Ladder Street質疑學校怎么可以做此類支持“藏獨”的事情,并允許Chemi Lhamo做學生會主席。
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